How To Stay Productive Under Quarantine, Forbes (SLP San Diego, 2014)

SLP Fellow Stephanie Burnns says “In a matter of days, the majority of us had our workday completely turned upside down. If you’ve never worked from home, suddenly you are. If you do work from home, you may now have a full household due to school closures or a partner now working from home as well.

It can be jarring, but it’s time to reframe and refocus.

I reached out to three very successful entrepreneurs to ask how we all might stay productive under quarantine despite the chaos that is surrounding us.”

Here is what they had to say 

 Work On Your ROI: Return On Impact

  • Connection 
  • Community
  • Creativity 

Get Your Tools Right

Mental And Emotional Health Must Be A Priority

  • Create A Structure
  • Work Smart
  • Self-Care

Read Stephanie’s full article here:

April 2020