Healthcare Providers on InovCares Provide Free Virtual Assessment At No-cost For Uninsured Patients (SLP DC, 2018)
Sept. 6, 2020, 12:24 p.m.Mohmad Kamara’s InovCares connects you to trusted healthcare practitioners to increase access to comprehensive and affordable healthcare via mobile application and at home health or employer site care delivery. They are providing their telehealth and wellness platform for free. Some of their healthcare providers have also provided virtual assessment at no-cost for uninsured patients.
Moreover, they have also won a COVID-19 Hackathon -. In response to COVID-19, they added this component to their solution for users to check their symptoms virtually and be triage to the right point of care for further assistance. They have been able to triage uninsured COVID-19 patients in Georgia to the right PCP (Primary care physician) for in-person testing and quarantined. Read more here
April 2020